
Meet Amalia

I have been in the path of wellness and a holistic living since I was a teenager growing up in Nicaragua, taking yoga classes with my grandmother and going to local farmers to pick up organic vegetables, made me appreciate the love of the Plant Kingdom.

In 2005 I graduated as Homeopath, as the time progressed I recognized the interconnected nature of Homeopathy and guiding clients towards a holistic living, mind, body and spirit. I was so fascinated with the results of using Homeopathy that I decide to go deeper into this field,  I travel to India to pursue a better understanding of Homeopathy, while taking my Homeopathic course in India, Mumbai I experienced How doctors in India use natural products to heal the skin from within. When I came back to the US  I decided to go to school to become an Aesthetician .

In 2006 I graduated as an Aesthetician, a I began to blend my own signature facials using Homeopathy and natural products to heal the skin with holistic treatments. Working as an Aesthetician, one of the things I love is to listen to my clients and listen to their skin. After many facials and listen to clients I realized that there is a need to natural products. In 20I5 I started my research on different formulas, testing ingredients, with clients, family members and after a long journey I found the right ingredients and Amalia Natural Skincare was born with just one simple idea in mind:  your skin deserves the very best.

My experience as a holistic Aesthetician and a Homeopath guided me to create a skincare line that has nourishing ingredients, sustainable produce, no artificial colors, 100% plant based organically grown biodynamic made with love for a healthy and glowing skin.


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